Our approach
Many parents tell us they are often hesitant to engage with their employer during parental or maternity leave as they are often all too consumed with their new baby. This can leave them feeling out of the loop and demotivated to plan their return back.
We encourage open and honest communication between employer & employee at regular milestones to ensure back-to-work plans are organised, including childcare and flexible working options.
Sessions are always confidential and non judgemental. We provide a safe space to talk about any issues new parents may be finding challenging and could be a barrier to a positive return to work. We do not offer legal advice on employment related issues.
For more information, please call 0121 123 1234 or email hello@nurture4work.co.uk.
Benefits to business
Better diversity & inclusion
Develop a diverse workforce by developing high potential mothers into senior positions long term. Retain skills learnt from early parenthood
Improved staff morale & reduced stress
We guide parents on what to expect and how to manage work and family life, developing coping strategies along the way.
Better business continuity
Reduced staff turnover and less time off for a mental health issues including stress, anxiety and depression leads to better business performance.
How can the return to work be made easier after leave?
"Would be good to meet others to share experiences. On the surface I know I can do it but it’s the emotional aspect I’m struggling most with."
Recent survey conducted by Happy Mamas